The Friends of the Springfield Woods hosted another Baltimore Greenspace Bird Walk on the morning of June 22 in the Springfield Woods. It was again led by Mike "Birdman" Hudson and his mentor Bill.
Mike Hudson: "I divided our birds into the three categories you'll see in the document. They correspond to the categories used to confirm breeding birds in Maryland Breeding Bird Atlas (a compilation of birds that breed in MD and where they breed). The birds with one star are species that are, to some degree, forest specialists. Of them the Acadian Fly and Red-eyed Vireo are the most reliant on woodlands. The Black Vulture gets three stars because, not only is it somewhat of a shy and specialist nester, its also fairly uncommon in this part of Maryland (about 1 Black for every 60 or 70 Turkey Vultures)."
Observed- Species
seen in the area, but birds exhibited no breeding or other behaviors to
indicate nesting, and therefore no conclusion can be drawn to likelihood of
nesting in area.
Mourning Dove 5
Chimney Swift 6
Nuthatch 1
Common Grackle 10
American Goldfinch
Possible- Species
observed in the area and was exhibiting breeding behavior such as singing or
scolding, however no behavior such as feeding young or visiting nest observed;
likely that bird is breeding or attempting to breed in area, but not enough
information to confirm.
Downy Woodpecker 3
Eastern Wood-pewee
Acadian Flycatcher
Great Crested
Flycatcher 1*
House Wren 1
Tufted Titmouse 1
Carolina Chickadee
Cedar Waxwing 12
Red-eyed Vireo 2*
House Sparrow 5
Species was seen visiting nest, interacting with a mate, carrying nesting
material within area, feeding young, bringing food to a nest or young or on a
nest with young; bird is breeding in area.
Black Vulture Photos by Katie Lautar |
Black Vulture 3***
Carolina Wren 2
European Starling 2
American Robin 10
Gray Catbird 8
Northern Cardinal